Coolabah Global Floating Rate High Yield Complex ETF (CBOE: YLDX)

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Month: February 2021

RBA QE is being outpaced by rest of the world, putting upward pressure on A$ and implying more QE is needed…

This is an article published by Kieran Davies, Chief Macro Strategist, on Livewire recently. In a world of near-zero interest rates, the stance of monetary policy is now better measured by the size and composition of a central bank’s balance sheet. In Australia’s case, the RBA’s adoption of unconventional monetary policy has seen its balance …

RBA QE is being outpaced by rest of the world, putting upward pressure on A$ and implying more QE is needed… Read More »

Forecasting QE3 Program

In this new paper, Coolabah’s Chief Macro Strategist, Kieran Davies, and its Chief Investment Officer, Christopher Joye, examine the case for the RBA launching QE 2.0 after the current $100 billion QE program, which has helped slow the ascent of both long-term interest rates and Australia’s trade-weighted exchange rate, expires. They focus, in particular, on …

Forecasting QE3 Program Read More »

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